If you have been experiencing chronic knee pain or pain that seems different from what you have felt before, it might be time to see a doctor. Many people experience discomfort in their knees or legs, and simply ignore it or take over-the-counter pain medication. While this may be all you need to experience relief, there are some situations that call for a medical professional. Here are some different scenarios that require help from a doctor.

Long-Lasting Pain Or Swelling

If you have had pain or swelling in your knee that is lasting more than a couple days, it is time to seek help from a doctor. Pain and swelling that is from sports or a mild injury should go away fairly quickly. When it persists, it shouldn't be ignored. Swelling usually happens shortly after an injury, even a minor one, so just having swelling isn't a warning sign. However, if you have tried taking anti-inflammatory drugs, getting rest, and elevating your knee, it should go away after a day. If after two days you still have swelling with pain, seek medical attention.

Mobility Issues

You might also be experiencing problems with your mobility. For example, if you have decreased range-of-motion in your knee it might be due to internal swelling. This could be a sign that your injury is more serious than you originally thought. Another possible cause for mobility issues is if you feel lack of stability in your knee and like it could give out at any time. This is another sign that you should see your doctor as it could mean that you have a serious injury. Make sure you don't ignore mobility issues when they concern your knee joint.

Additional Signs And Symptoms

If you not only have pain in your knee joint but also other signs that might signal an infection or severe injury, you should tell your doctor. For example, you might be experiencing pain as well as draining from a puncture wound in your knee. You might also have inflammation and redness that seem to be worsening, or flu-like symptoms such as a fever, headache, and chills. These could be signs of various conditions that need to be addressed by your doctor.

It is very important that you don't ignore pain that persists, worrisome side effects, or signs of infection. Your doctor can treat these symptoms and diagnose the injury or medical condition associated with the pain.
